
By kas18

I Did It!

200 lengths, 5k, whatever way you look at it I can tell you it's a long way in the water. All for a good cause though. My time was 1hour 34mins and 20 seconds. Not bad I suppose as its the first time I've swam that distance. My arms ached for a while and my goggle marks stayed with me for a few hours....such an unglamorous sport. Well if that doesn't improve my bingo wings nothing will!

It took quite a while to get there as I went over to Kent to swim with a young man I have befriended through swimming. He usually comes to my area but it was nice to see his part of the world. We went through some very pretty countryside and little villages.

After the swim we were very hungry so went for a meal in a French restaurant. The food was really nice and so well presented. Stayed and chatted for ages.

Then it was time to go home. On the way back we decided to stop off for a drink in a really nice little pub. I was driver so only one glass of wine...but I earned that today.

I think I'll sleep well tonight. I need to as I've got bootcamp first thing.....hope we don't get press ups and burpees!

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