Another Day In London

Hi Tom

I have spent yet another day in London ......a belated birthday present from my wonderful friend Julie.

We started at the Duck and Waffle which is 40 floors up the Heron Building. The views were awesome and we had the perfect window seat. We ate a few odd things one being Korean pig brains...never again! The rest was lovely and washed down with a glass of champagne.

We then headed off to the butterfly exhibition. It's at the Natural history museum. It was incredibly hot inside but the butterflies were just beautiful. I could have blipped so many. I really loved it.

We came out and headed for the museum. We only spent a short time in here. I'm going back with dad and julie is going with michelle so we didn't want to spend too much time here. We did see the Blue Whale which is always a favourite.

After the museum we headed for Embankment and had a coffee while waiting for Michelle. Lovely sitting in the sunshine.

I then found a shop which sells wetsuits and I was drawn inside. I didn't buy a new wetsuit but I have seen some I like, although I've been offered a secondhand one for £50 which is a bargain. I loved the lady in the shop as she said I would probably fit into a small sized one....I doubt it though!

We then found a lovely Italian restaurant. I was still really full so only had a started but the others had a full meal. It was really nice. The waiter had the most hideous laugh...a bit like a donkey...I've never heard anything quite like it.

Off to The Bodyguard. It was fab. I really enjoyed it so much. It's one of those shows I could see over again. Beverly knight was great.

I thought with the tube strike we would have trouble getting a cab to Liverpool street but it was easy.

So that's it....back to normal now....what a great few days...I've been thoroughly spoilt :) x

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