
By KathyH58

August 16

A couple of years ago a gardening friend created a meadow garden for pollinators. It is on city owned property, but she and her husband kept it mowed for several years. She approached the city and received their permission to create this meadow. Many people donated plants, and it really brought her neighborhood together as people walking in the area started to stop and help look after it.
I was working in the area today and decided to stop for a quick visit between jobs. It has really filled in since the last time I saw it.
I had some bad news when I came home. Alan, my boarder, for the last 9 years has been diagnosed with cancer, and he will be moving in with his daughter so she can look after him.
I am going to have some decisions to make over the next few days. Do I decide to stay here for another year, knowing that I can handle the expenses here on my own. Do I continue my plans to move and look for another boarder? In the spring I considered buying a mini home, then decided to put that idea on hold. If I stay here for another year, I could look at buying a mini home next year.
I've become spoiled over the past several years, having Alan here to look after the cats when I want to go away for a weekend. The cats are going to miss him, Peaches especially, she is so used to spending time with him when I am not home. Plus Alan has been here to fix minor things, change light bulbs, take the garbage out, shovel snow in the winter. We have been roommates for longer than either of my marriages lasted.

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