
We had some lovely refreshing rain last night. The grass is even slightly green, but some of the plants are slightly flattened.

My first attempt at growing Rudebeckia from seed was rather pleasing, as they’ve started to shimmer with those attractive blooms.

A quieter day today. My friend was fortunate with the train service, returning home relatively smoothly.

I took her to the station and realised that they’d introduced a camera and app arrangement for parking. The cameras snap you as you enter the car park (even if you’re only pausing awhile to drop a passenger off). You have until midnight to download the app, register your car details and pay (a ridiculous sum).

May I warn anyone trying this that the app is more complicated than any of the old nasty passenger locator forms. You’ll need until midnight to make sense of it.  I went home and ended up with the Saba chat and I’m glad I had the patient Amanda to calm my frustration. I still had to pay £6.00  for the simple drop off……..

Extra : anyone for Spaghetti alla vongole ? Lidl have a Spanish week (Yes I know it’s not Italian but these Almeja  in Spanish are so simple and tasty.) Frozen clams and they are wonderful. Home grown chilli, a little garlic, white wine……and it brought back memories of Menaggio. 

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