The afternoon ferry (Day 2659)

In to town this morning to deal with a job I hadn't really been looking forward to. While I was sorting another problem for the customer.a couple of days ago, they said they thought that their loo was leaking. I didn't have time to fix it, but had a look and, sure enough, it was leaking from the waste. The cause of the leak was utter incompetence on the part of the original fitter, and sorting it out took a fair while. I used up most of my swear words in the process.
Home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn, then a trip through to Stromness to get out a ride on George.
Unusually, George was playing up a little and he treated me to a few spinny round wheelie type things as I tried to get him to cross a small burn. I eventually got off and led him across then got on and walked across a few times. It was a really done ride out and we finished up on the beach where we had a splash around in the sea and a gallop on the beach. Our beach fun was curtailed when one of the stirrup leathers broke.
If you look closely, you can just see the ferry sailing away in today's pic.

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