Still (Day 2660)

I had a few jobs to look at it Stromness this morning, then another in Dounby before a leak to sort out in Finstown. Along to town next to get parts for a job tomorrow, then home for a catch up with my beautiful wife before she zoomed off to work and I headed to town to deal with a blocked kitchen sink waste. Another contractor had tied, and failed, to clear the blockage after a couple of attempts, and every time the customer used the washing machine it dumped water all over the floor. I was fairly surprised that my £20 drain clearing jet coupled to my little pressure washer managed to get the drain clear and flowing better than it has done since the customer moved in to the house. A quick test cycle of the washing machine didn't flood the kitchen.
Back home I took advantage of the dry weather and got the grass cut. The lack of wind meant the bay was very still, but the midges were making an appearance.

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