His own salmon boats!

Jeez, it was a hot one today.
 In the low 30's but the humidity made it feel much higher than that. It was draining.
On the way home, I stopped by the river (the Fraser) just outside Maple Ridge, to see if there might be a blip opportunity. 
There was, at least I thought so.
This salmon boat boasts an ad for Bruces.ca/history, which just happens to be the name of the store directly across the street from here.
Originally, the store was really out on its own, just a stop along the highway to Mission. Now, it's a thriving market/restaurant/ whatever you'd like to buy due to the growh of housing in the area.
You might be interested to follow the link to the history of the store and family, there's a couple of gorgeous old photos in there.
No, we didn't have salmon for dinner, that was last night. 
Instead, we stuffed ourselves on chicken tostadas, with guac and home made pico de gallo. A little honey chipotle made things interesting.
The Caps played Colorado at home but there was no way we were going to battle that traffic back into Vancouver. For once, they almost played well for the whole 90 minute game, but the last 12 or 15 minutes....well, it was awful.
Having said that, they won 2-1, so who am I to complain?

Ah well...

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