Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Minimalist Abstract

My entry for abstract Thursday and the optional theme of Minimalist Abstract.

I got a bit sidetracked yesterday as we had Occupational Therapists here looking at access solutions for Mr T.  The solution is to use the garden and rear access BUT we were informed by our neighbour he owned it and if that's the case we can't modify it to make it wheelchair accessible and in an emergency Mr T has potentially no safe escape route.  I have retrieved the documents from the loft which look like someone has been "clumsy" when the land was registered.  I have to write to the Land Registry and see if they can resolve it.  I don't want to be help hostage by someone who has rented the house for the last 10 years, done no maintenance (we have done that) or swept up the slippery leaves from his tree!

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