Temporary residents

I went to Whisby Nature Reserve with a sewing friend to meet up with some of the Impish Quilters this morning for coffee. We don’t have a meeting in August, so an informal coffee and chat meet-up was arranged. It was a most enjoyable time getting to know more about the ladies. 

The pictures taken at the reserve were a bit rubbish so I have used one of the pictures that R sent me today to show the kitties that turned up last night. 

The kitties spent the night under cover in the potting shed, with the door wedged open. They had food, water and a comfy bed and seemed very happy. R has searched around locally and on line to see if anyone has lost them, but no luck so far. She says that there are lots of kittens advertised for sale. 

Olive has been away for a few days, but is due back this evening. It will be interesting to see what she makes of the visitors !!! 

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