
By kettwigefrau

Stop, police

Actually that should probably read, "halt! Polizei!" (& make sure to read it in your best German accent too)

This morning, because I'm now 2nd VP of the AWCD* I got invited to brunch (along with the rest of the board) at the American Consulate's house. Someone had joked that we should all remember to bring our passports for the police check, well I thought it was a joke, apparently not. There really was a police checkpoint near the (walled) house and we really did have to show i.d., which they then rang through to somewhere to check up on us. Damn good job I had my (German) driving licence with me otherwise I'd have been kicking my heels outside while everyone else was inside. I wanted to blip the cops but I was told not to, unless I wanted to be delayed even longer (I'd have asked nicely, I can do nice and polite, who'd have thought the Americans would be so law abiding?)

It was a very pleasant morning, although it has been somewhat ruined since by the mountain of ironing I have to do, the fact that all the cupboards are bare, the dog hasn't been walked and I have a nagging feeling that I've forgotten something....

* American Women's Club of Düsseldorf, & yeah, I know I'm British.

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