
I'm sure I read in Madeleine Pickup's Alsatian Owner's Encyclopaedia of June 1964 that the fluffy fur on our breed's bottom is known as pantaloons. I bought the book when the Police suggested that we get an Alsatian/German shepherd dog after a burglary in the mid-seventies when our children were young. Maggie was much-loved and the first of many GSDs that we have owned over the years. I can't find reference to pantaloons in the book but it is a term widely used in the doggie fraternity today. This lovely, fluffy, cuddly fur is also known as breeches or trousers. (Trousered undercarriage is when aircraft have the undercarriage faired in.)

When I took Ollie dog to the shops the other day I just brushed her and fluffed up her pantaloons. I adore how they naturally form a perfect whorl on either side of her tail. Love her so much. 

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