On my way to town…

I was up and about by 8 o’clock this morning so decided on an early trip to M&S for a couple of cheese scones. For the first time in ages it was raining enough for a mac and maybe even shoes. Mac no problem but I couldn’t find my shoes anywhere. Never mind it wasn’t too wet for the trusty Crocs.
But it was bugging me to know where my shoes were… then as I walked down the hill from the bus I remembered I’d taken them to hospital with me! Did I bring them back again? And if I did why weren’t they on the shoe rack by the door?
By the time I got home I’d almost resigned my self to having left them behind and then the light came on!
My friend had carried my rucksack upstairs for me when she brought me home from hospital. And sure enough there they were in a plastic bag. So ready for the next lot of rain!

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