
Best laid plans and all that?!
Today my human had a plan.............................
Get up at 7am and walk me for about an hour.
Go to work 9.30am – 1.30pm
Go to Asda & The Range (I was going to wait in the car)
Walk me on Porty Beach for about an hour.
Go to 'Cardio Express' at 6pm followed by a swim
Have chicken stir-fry for dinner.
Go to bed.

What actually happened.............................

Got up at 7.15am
Went for a walk for about 45 mins. The rubbish situation is getting even worse.
Human went to work 9.30 – 1.30. Human popped into Waitrose on the way home (so didn't get home till 2pm) because Waitrose sell lovely bread and she has to make some sandwiches for a 'Mad Hatters Tea Party' tomorrow. No we don't know what a Mad Hatters Tea Party is either??!!
Human was hungry so needed lunch and while she's eating lunch, she had to watch another episode of, 'The Secrets she Keeps'.
By this time it's almost 3pm so human says, 'Trixie, I really can't be bothered to drive all the way across town to go to Asda & the Range and take you to Porty Beach for a play. Now all the kids are back at school the roads are horrendous at school run times. We'll go to Aldi and you can have a play in either Colinton Mains Park or Fairmilehead Park'. So that is what we did.

The only problem with that plan was...................... it started to rain very heavily. Fortunately we were in Fairmilehead Park and there's lots of trees there so we had to shelter for a while. That was OK though because there was no one else stupid enough to be out in the rain so Ann just stood underneath a tree and threw my ball for me.

…................And now it's 6pm and yes, you've guessed it.................... my human is not going to 'Cardio Express' class or for a swim this evening, because she's too tired and it's still raining and it's rush hour and it's cold.
#summerfitnessplan2022 isn't working anyway!!! We have the lights on.

I've already gobbled up all my dinner and back in my bed snoozing and Ann isn't going to have 'chicken stir-fry' for dinner because she seems to spend her whole life eating stir-fry. She actually bought two very nice looking steak & kidney puddings in Waitrose. My human doesn't think she's actually had steak & kidney pudding since the 1970s when her mum used to make it, so that's what she's going to have for dinner with some new potatoes and sweetcorn. Yum!!!

…..............And then we'll spend the rest of the evening watching soaps.

Maybe tomorrow we will be able to stick to our 'plan' though I doubt it. Lol lol lol.

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