Bored now!!!

For those of you who read our Blips regularly, you will know; my human signed up to 'Edinburgh Leisure's Summer 2023 Fitness Plan'. For £69 for six weeks, it has given her access to all the leisure centres in Edinburgh and access to all the swimming pools, fitness classes (of which there is more than 700 per week) and gyms. It's been great, but she's now at the start of week six and she's fed up. 

She's been doing some form of exercise pretty much every day since the 20th July and has tried loads of classes that she wouldn't normally bother with. She's had a personal trainer session in the gym and has a personalised programme to work through when she goes there. And she's been swimming two/three times every week. If she'd done all that she's done, on a PAYG basis, she would have spent almost £300, so from a financial point of view, it has definitely been a good deal.

…...........BUT she's fed up with it now. The kids have gone back to school so it would seem that all the 'yummy mummies' have come back out to play. All the classes have to be booked 'on the app', so last night when she went on the app to book a 9.15am 'body balance' class it was fully booked with a waiting list. It was the same when she went swimming at 9.30am yesterday. The pool was really busy, so she's guessing the yummy mummies drop their kids off at school and then go off to get fit?!

Today after my morning walk, the plan was.................... I was going to have snooze time while Ann did a step aerobic class, followed by a session in the gym, followed by a swim. But do you know what?........................ she couldn't be bothered, so she didn't do anything!!! She stayed at home with me and sorted out all her household admin, which actually she's been meaning to do for a month, so that was a very good job done.

And the other thing........................ she's made a conscious effort to exercise more since April (when we were in St Ives for three months, she did three zumba classes a week and sea swimming practically every day) and nothing has changed. She doesn't feel any fitter or look any better, nor has she lost any weight, and the main aim of all this exercise was to restore her strength, flexibility and balance back to what it was before lockdown. ..................Nothing has worked so she's just going to go back to her lockdown days of walking me and sitting on the sofa watching c*** TV while drinking wine!!!

This afternoon she took me through the Hermitage for an hour and a half and it was very quiet. No little people for me to make friends with. Only dog walkers and the occasional jogger. Oh and there was hardly any water in the burn either so it wasn't deep enough for me to go swimming. I just had to paddle.

…..............And that's been our day. We had a 15kg bag of dog food delivered for me on Sunday. When Ann first started buying my dog food in bulk online during lockdown, a 15kg bag cost about £45. Now it's more than £60, though for some reason she was able to get a bag of Turkey & rice for £51.99 so that's what I've got. I like turkey & rice. I gobbled it all up really quickly and now I'm back in my bed having another snooze.

There's absolutely nothing on TV tonight so Ann is wondering if she should pop down to the gym and do a workout......................... She won't?!!!!  She has a wine fridge that has 15 bottles of wine inside. Lol, lol, lol!!!

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