
Our neighbour has a lovely little apple tree, looks like he's got a good crop. I wonder when he will pick them? I feel a scrump coming on if he doesn't! lol

Neighbour on the other side gave us a load of cooking apples that she'd been given. We will have some stewed apple to go with our porridge this winter.

A fairly productive day. We looked at fencing and paving slabs for our end of garden seating area. Bought a patio set for the other patio (yet to be built) It took me a while to persuade J that the £1,200 off was worth buying it, we have no idea how much new stocks will cost next year. His argument was storage, but I still think it was worth going for. Need to clear a space quickly!

J fixed up a light in the new shed, added some plywood lining while I continued to clear the weeds from the block paving in the front. I'd left clearing it as I thought it was going to be dug up soon, but as we need to resubmit the plans, it could be a while yet.

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