Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Tidy again

I have high hopes of keeping it that way. There is no rationale for this optimism. Until this evening the floor was littered with debris, the desk awash with old tech, my laptop disconnected from the monitor, and the lighting was all wrong. 

That I found the energy to tidy it this evening is remarkable in itself. I got up at 7.15, made broccoli soup and chickpea dal curry, cleaned out the fridge, did some cleaning, went into town to stock up with stuff from the eco store (fill your own washing liquid etc), drove to Heathrow to collect The Dizzle and Ms R, bought them back, went shopping for them, took them home, and facetimed with TGR. Add on cleaning out the office and that's a lot for someone who is only three weeks away from their Beatles  Birthday ("will you still need me / will you still feed me / when I'm sixty-four") ...

The Dizzle bought silly presents back from Hungary. Mine was a large wooden dice with six different (graphically presented) sexual positions on it, one of which was "don't even think about it and go do something else" (my favourite). Not an age appropriate gift. And in fact the illustrations weren't that good; one of them looked suspiciously like holding your girlfriend's hair whilst she vomited in the toilet. You won't find that in the karma sutra (I imagine).

On the subject of sex, I am now reading my twelfth Booker novel "Nightcrawling" which is a horrifying and sad account of a young black woman in California forced into prostitution and abused by the police that are supposed to be protecting her. Based on a true case in America, it is an astonishing and dark novel written by a woman who is only twenty years old herself (the youngest ever Booker nominee). Am about halfway through. Anyone who ever wants to be judgemental about the lives of others could learn something from this narrative; circumstance and oppression can destroy anyone's life. There but for the grace of god ...

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