This afternoon we went up to Greenwich. We left at 12…drove to Mums to collect my niece R…then the satnav took us such an odd long way round we eventually got there at 1:30….it’s only 40 mins from home!!!! I had continuous questions from R about everything from her career choice, the existence of mermaids and politics

After a coffee break and some selfies with the view we went to watch a show in the planetarium… it was very good and R loved it. And it lead to millions of more questions from her. We then walked down the hill….V&O went to the Maritime museum and R&I went for a quick stroll around the market, a walk halfway through the tunnel (time pressure) and then a walk round the outside of the Cutty Sark.

When I first suggested the trip I was not sure our Ukrainian family we convinced about visiting at first, but when we needed to leave they begged to stay :))) unfortunately as the trains were on strike I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. They’ll have to visit again!!!

The Rev cooked up a Chinese feast in the evening. yummy.

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