shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

The Nightmare of Pollok Park

Are you sitting comfortably? Lock the doors, light a candle, turn off all the other lights, then we'll begin...

Once upon a time there was a nice Scottish lass who went for a walk in Pollok Park to look for teddy bears having a picnic. She gravely miscalculated. As you know, Pollok Park is in that most scary and violent of cities [1] - Glesga. She walked and walked through the trees, fending off ferocious hounds [2], and struggling through the terrifying marshes [3]. In the depths of the dark, dark forest, she felt the trees closing in on her, and all of a suddent there were strangely bright lights [4] so got out her camera to try and capture the horror [5]. But then, the worst of all happened...

Her camera battery ran out! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it was okay, she had the spare in her backpack, but in a final horrific chapter...

She had forgotten to charge it when she's last swapped them over! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The End

I had about 4 of these that worked, and they all give me a headache, which is pretty much what I was going for, so I'm quite pleased.

[1] We'll ignore the fact that Glasgow is statistically getting significantly less violent as that doesn't serve the purposes of this story very well
[2] Actually rather cute slobbering doggies chasing balls and sticks
[3] A wee bit muddy and she was wearing her hiking boots anyway
[4] Bright sunlit is so rare in Glasgow that she didn't recognise it
[5] To play around and see if she could get a decent zoom burst

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