It's all about Red

Very smooth morning - Bella even walked to school after 2 friends called for her! Suffered reading with Red class again, then played a game on the computer whiteboard thingy with them all about blending sounds.

ClareClare suggested I might need a coffee to recover so we bobbed to Sainsburys. Red the Smallest Boy was a delight and I even got a bit of shopping (the bits I forgot from my Tesco order).

Home to pottering chores and to wait for Mr Tesco. He came in time for Red to ride his bike to school to collect Lil and Al. But it was all too much coming back home. If you can imagine that skankiest, dog shittiest, fly tipping spot - that is where he stopped. Joy.

The weekend's excitement clearly kicked in and we all collapsed in front of You've got a talented Voice and ignored the beautiful sunshine outside. But we're all caught up now ;-)

That's it really. The kitchen is clear, packed lunches made, reading diaries filled in. Time to catch up on the business paperwork then...

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