Mr Blue Sky

A rather beautiful sunny day. I walked to school then met the girls for coffee. Came home and finished off the very important company paperwork before collecting Red. Called in briefly at Lidl - no cushion boxes Mum, but loads of flamingoes!

Quick lunch before cutting the grass. I'm especially pleased that the bit at the bottom is starting to look like a proper garden! Hung out a washing, put slow cooker tea in the oven, cleared up small boy poo :-( and managed a half hour with a cuppa sat in the sunshine!

Walked to school again and got home to learn that jacket potatoes explode in the oven if you forget to prick them. Brownies ended up being a walk to the nearest park where we found MickeyJohn and my 3 smallest offspring. Ally got in a strop and decided to climb the highest tree he could find...

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