Clear Water

I took this picture of me paddling in the sea (before I swam).  The water was really clear which is unusual (and fortunately not full of poo, like the beaches on the South Coast which pumped raw sewage into the sea last week.  Quick Rant - the outgoing CEO was paid a golden handshake/bonus of £3m and the incoming CEO a golden hello of £2m - how can that be right!!)

The day started with a normal BP session and OH packed the picnic while I was out (not sure about ham and egg sandwiches but they were not bad!).  We had planned a beach day as the forecast looked promising.  We set off around 11.30 and it was cloudy and windy so I had packed a sweatshirt.  However when we arrived the sky cleared and the sun was very hot.  A quick swim before the tide went out was refreshing.  An afternoon watching the seagulls and finishing my book.  It was hot and sunny and the wind break was not needed and we talked about the tide and how far it had gone out - I would have loved another swim but it would mean a long walk for a paddle.  My earth geography is not great so I will google tides and their effects around the world.  We were stopped by a dog walker who had bought her dog to swim and was expecting the tide to be in (as it was last time she visited).  She was amazed that the tide time changes every day and I directed her to google where time times are easy to find.

Home via Junction 8 and OH popped in for garlic bread to go with the prawn linguine.  Really scrummy with tomatoes from the garden but the garlic bread was overpriced and not enough garlic!  I am going to try and make my own.  Relaxing evening with OH clearing away while I watch last nights episode of Saul that I fell asleep whilst watching.

Lovely day again.

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