Crab walk

A chilled out morning.  I quickly cleaned all downstairs and upstairs and then took the jedi a cycle to dalscone farm shop as my neighbour Joan needed honey and us some more eggs. 

On the way home Carson kept pulling jaggy vines to his chest and was shouting " a swing mummy" and then " ho ho ho merry Christmas " . Some passers-by thought that was quite funny.  But that's one of his phrases at the moment.  

The health visitor popped round for a cuppa and a chance to see the new bed. She thinks it's fantastic.  It was lovely to chat to another grown up. We share quite a few interests so it was good to have a proper conversation... tattoos ( she has beautiful ones) ,wild swimming,  biking etc. When I recover from my shoulder operation we will go out and swim and do some outdoor stuff. 

I biked to pick Harp up from nursery.  I popped into the park beside the school to let Carson have a little play and I heard one of Harps friends shout " your num is playing at rhe park" ,so I went and collected her early so that she could have a play too. 

I was about a mile from home when the trailer tyre got a puncture.  So that has had to be fixed. 

The boys have had a good day at school and are pretty tired. 

My doc called yesterday and told me to up my morphine tablets at bed time because he thinks I should be sleeping more than 3/4  hours taking 2. So he's written a prescription for 3tablets at night.  I'll pick it up tomorrow.  I took 3 last night and got a better sleep. Only woke twice with being sore and went straight back over.... well until Mr R poked me awake as Lincoln was trying to wake me. I told him he was to deal with it the next time. I've practically never stayed in bed a whole night in many months. But I felt better this morning with some more sleep.  

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