
By WeeChris

Max (and Betty Little)

This is Max, a comic Hamster drawn by Giovanetti.

I found this book upstairs this evening when trying to think of a blip. I had lots of half-baked ideas, some of which were highly pretentious, or glib, or even both.

This book has a short inscription: "Betty, Christmas 1954. With love from John." John was Betty's brother, Betty was my Mum. She married my Dad on the second of June 1956. I think she met my Dad in the Summer before this dedication was written.

I've always loved these cartoons of Max. The first pet which I owned myself was a white Hamster called Max (inevitably). Given to me by my Mum on my 10th birthday. He was a wonderful pet and I loved him. I was good at looking after him too.

I don't think many people would remember my Mum as a woman with a good sense of humour. Intellectually rigorous, yes. Opinionated, definitely. Hardworking, of course. But, no I don't think they would have said she was a good laugh. But she was. When I think of my Mum I often think of her laughing; she had a loud bark of a laugh, a guffaw. Often when she laughed she became unable to speak at all. There were a few triggers which were almost guaranteed to set her off laughing. The Max cartoons were one of them.

I still love these cartoons. This one reminds me of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

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