a new year!

By Thesalh70

High flying Sand-day

Felt as fresh as a daisy this morning. Fully refreshed after a good 8 hours or so sleep. Me and mum up before all the others, and enjoyed a cuppa before anyone else stirred.

Sausage and bacon sarnie for breakfast which I enjoyed much more than yesterday. Then off out to walk down to White Strand beach, a secluded strip of beach, only reachable by clambering down the grassy cliff path.

Waves crashing and sunshine finally broke through. Alex did a spot of litter picking, all manor of trash washed up there. Then, he enjoyed sand diving, as you can see from the pic, 'better than the x-box' he said.

Back home via the Waterfall, and visited the actual waterfall, just as it started to rain. Home, sandwich and then we enjoyed a lazy few hours before dinner which mand cooked for us.

Stuffed, we watched the sunset, and then lazed in front of the tv. Another fab day. Whiskies, bed, and early-ish night.

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