a new year!

By Thesalh70

Celebration for kev

Had rubbish nights sleep. Was up from 2.30-4.30, watched Question time and had a cuppa, then finally drifted off til 9am. Round to 49 to get painting, mum and Li joining me this morn. Back home and wrote no.49 to do list which has 55 things to do on it! That's made me feel better!
Nice Jo Malone bath and then into town for big reunion in celebration of kev. Clem picked me up from bus stop, mega to see her, just like old times! At fothergils for do that Jackie has organised, and what a fab turn out! Kev would've loved it. Great to catch up with the old crew, clem, Gary, Adrian, robin, dawn, and of course mrs lomax, my first boss!

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