Vadstena Castle

Last night the owner of the parking area came round for his €15 and gave us 2 eggs for breakfast.

We woke at 6.30 to a lovely sunny morning so I took an old blanket outside and did my back exercises - there’s no room in the van. It’s no better.

We found a car park in Lund where I was eager to get a walk and explore the old town. Frustratingly we were not able to work out how to pay. The machine did not take cards and we did not understand the instructions - then we managed to download a parking app which we could not get to work. There was nobody else parking up so nobody to ask. The next one we found had no spaces so as we’d seen a nearby Lidl we thought we’d use their car park but were told you needed a Lidl card even to stop to shop. All we could do was drive around through the pretty old town just to see it before trying to buy diesel - again no luck. The pump wouldn’t accept our credit card.

There seemed to be nothing for it but to head north towards Lake Vattern where we hoped to find a camping spot and get a walk. After the agricultural area around Lund, the scenery was mostly pine trees. We saw signs warning of moose crossing but I think that would be unlikely. The dual carriageway is quiet with few lorries. There’s a lot of German camper vans zooming past us as we cruise along at 95kmph.

I saw a sign advertising the IKEA Museum. I’m intrigued. But not enough to go.

It started raining as we headed up Lake Vattern to see if there was a place in the campsite at Vadstena Castle. It was totally booked up but we found a place near 2 other vans that allowed 12 hours. We were having a wander round the moat of the 15th century castle when we saw people erecting crush barriers. I asked what was going on - it’s the Vadstena triathlon tomorrow at 9 am. No wonder the site was fully booked. We thought it prudent to travel on, not wanting to get stuck in the middle of a bike race or all the traffic. So on we went towards Motala, also on Lake Vattern. At a roundabout Mr C went slightly wrong, taking us onto a minor road, where I saw a P sign. We drove in, at 5.30pm to discover a perfect free 24 hour park in an old gravel quarry. It gives access to the woods as there’s a nature reserve. We can just see the lake through the rain. It’s mozzie heaven but it’ll do after a long day and 270 miles.

At home it’s the Chimneysweep show this evening. #3 daughter will send me a link to the video. Apparently Ella and Nathaniel know all their lines. Good job as they have the main roles in Encanto. Thomas also has a speaking part but James didn’t want to audition for one. As long as they are enjoying it that’s the main thing. Ella has been going for 5 years for a week in the summer holidays, and Nathaniel a year less. They love it.

#3 daughter is very pleased as all her A level students got what was hoped and some exceeded that. It’s always good to know you are doing something right!

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