Everyday feels like Friday

My OH says this to me quite often.  Since retiring in April 2021 we both agree that retirement (or not working) suits us both very well.  We fill our time with lots of different activities, some apart and some together.  Of course there are 'down days' but that is life, but on the whole I am very happy with my little lot and try to enjoy every day.  I do miss the camaraderie of working and the chats about nothing in the kitchen, but that has been replaced by meeting other people and getting involved in different activities.

Today started the way most Fridays seem to start, BP for me and Golf for OH.  I did an extra class as I had no other plans and enjoyed the blend of yoga and pilates.  I met J in the class and we had a cup of tea after and she was telling me about her next holiday, cruising around the UK I think?  I have always been a bit anti-cruise but I think I will investigate further and might put this on the list?  Ideally somewhere that is not easy to get to by car/plane?  Maybe Norwegian cruise for a starter?

Home for a quick lunch and whatsapp message to OH to suggest an afternoon at the beach.  He was happy so we packed up the car and headed off with sun beds and books.  The weather was lovely albeit a bit breezy and the tide was out so we didn't swim.  We finished the afternoon/evening off with fish and chips on the beach.  We were prepared with proper knives and forks (not sure how you are supposed to eat with those silly wooden things), we also had a couple of beers.  Next time I will take a tinny (G&T or wine, I'm not really a beer fan) and tomato sauce (40p a sachet!!).  

Another lovely day.

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