It’s my birthday!

And MrP at last becomes MrOAP. What an event. Although I’d already had my presents (a stack pack and Tommy Bahama gear) I got more. A gift card for Greggs! Who knew there was such a thing. 
So, out up town for the carefully curated day of ents. First up, a visit to Will Maclean’s exhibition at the City Art Centre. Terrific stuff - and I’d never even heard of him, shamefully enough. He hasn’t heard of me either, mind. Though he may recognise me as a fringe performer.
Onward to the Book Festival where Alan Little was interviewing Lea Ypi. What a clever bloody woman. Seriously impressive. A knock out hour, so we needed to sit  in the Blue Blazer awhile to “unpack” (in current terminology) what we’d just heard. Next up, the Countess of Fife, which is Fay Fife and a couple of pals. What a weird experience, listening to a rock band sitting round tables in a corporate suite with carpets. Sneaky Petes, it wasn’t. 
To finish, Fava, for a very enjoyable Greek meal. Just as Cafe Andaluz has brought a version of Spanish food to the wine slooshing Edinburgh bistro crowd, this place seems to be doing the same for Greek food. So many women! And to finally finish, back for the birthday cake and an opening of the Barbados rum. Goodnight, Vienna. 

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