Traffic free Chestnut Avenue in Bushy Park

Following my blip of the autumnal horse chestnuts trees yesterday this morning I went to Bushy Park to see how the ones there are faring. They still have many more leaves as can be seen on either side of the road in the photo…..this is called Chestnut Avenue as it is lined with Horse Chestnut trees. In May there is an event called Chestnut Sunday with various parades etc. 

You used to be able to drive through the middle of Bushy Park down this road, from Teddington to Hampton Court. But in May 2020…covid time…traffic was stopped to give people more space to cycle and walk. The Royal Parks said initially they would keep it like this for 6 months and then they extended the ‘trial’ until May2022. I have just looked at their website and they are still reviewing the situation after feedback from 1000’s of people. I suspect it will not be reopened at all.

It does not affect our family very much but for many it was a route to work. You can still go to the car parks at either end of the park but it is a long way round the perimeter to go from one to the other.

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