Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Hectic Morning - Slow Afternoon - Indifferent Evening; that about sums up the day.
A quick start at the rugby club for Thursday Gang, we needed to empty and throw away the entire contents of two freezers. The rugby club is now just a series of incidents, one after the other, and at our mid morning stop I sat drinking a mug of coffee and listening to my fellow ‘gang members’. It’s becoming clear that the enthusiasm that fired them has waned to the point where already having lost two others look like walking away.
The club won’t realise what it’s lost until they have gone!

Afternoon and Mrs S to her pedicure, which for me meant one hour, sat in the sun, phone switched off reading my latest book; “Daisy Darker”. Home via Starbucks for a coffee followed by a catch up when I remembered to switch my phone back on.

Having added my name to the list to row for the evening I arrived at what I thought was early to find half the rowers there already getting things ready.
I really enjoyed the rowing, you kind of get ‘lost in yourself’, the rhythm of the oars can induce this sort of trance like state, difficult to explain. The post row beer is the bit I have been trying to avoid, apparently I’m “approachable” which can have its drawbacks. Once we were down to just two I was able to relax and around 9:00pm we were startled to find that they were about to lock us in.

Todays photo - A harbour view taken when walking Paddy.

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