Find Your Marigold

We had a lazy Sunday. I picked tomatoes and squash. That’s when I spotted this marigold in the garden. It shimmered. Hubby dropped Parker off at the golf course. Then he grabbed some salve to calm the itch from my 30+ chigger bites. They always seem to be beside gravel roads. Remember that last hike we took? Grrr. Hubby did not go in the grass to get blip photos so he fared much better. I did little else today, a few minor house tasks. Hubby changed the filters in the heating system plus a few similar jobs. We had an early dinner from our camping leftovers. Soon, we will drop the camper back at my mother’s and then hopefully pick up a cake if we are high bidder at the firehouse closest to my sister. Someone usually gets that next highest bid in at the last minute. We like to support the local first responders, most of whom are volunteer organizations. Hoping you also had a quiet weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “Among companion plants, the marigold is one of the best: It protects a wide variety of plants from pests and harmful weeds. If you plant a marigold beside most any garden vegetable, that vegetable will grow big and strong and healthy, protected and encouraged by its marigold. You can also view Marigolds as people. They are true friends and people who are supportive, kind, and energetic. They want to help you grow and they want you to succeed. They find joy in your happiness and always find the best in any situation. True friends are gems and you should stick with them. Find your Marigolds, even if it is just one.” -Jennifer Gonzales

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