Lala's Journal

By Lala


High tide as I walked Dog, and the fishermen (and women) along the beach. I used to check tides before I walked Dog, so I knew before I went whether it was to be a beach walk or not, (J - I have a tide clock) but seem to forget these days, so we just did the golf course instead. 

It’s been a passable day, I cooked properly for the first time since late May, a roast dinner for myself and Alf. He decided to play safe ( I tested negative, but felt I ought to tell him)  and so once again I was passing the dinner over the fence. All that effort to eat on my own! I can’t bring myself to sit at the dining table. I’ve done it a couple of times, but it’s just awful, so I put the tv on and sit on the sofa, but eating a roast dinner like that didn’t feel right either! I think it may be a while before I bother with again. Plenty of chicken left over, so it will be salad tomorrow and I’ll probably get a couple of lunches out of it too. 

I watched a light comedy drama (predictable story line) and that’s it. Feeling sad and tearful this evening, although nothing of note set it off. 

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