
The end is in sight. The Edinburgh Fringe finally finishes tomorrow as does the binmen’s  strike. Most of the attractions closed yesterday but there are still those hanging on to the bitter end. It won’t officially end until the fat lady sings, as they say.

 How long it will be before Edinburgh returns to what passes for the 2022 version of normal is anyone’s guess. It will probably take at least 3 months before the George Square gardens are fit for purpose again and goodness knows how much overtime the binmen will need to do to return the streets to a pre strike level of cleanliness. 

However South Bridge will still remain closed to north bound traffic for another year making traffic jams on neighbouring arterial roads inevitable  and the tram works will still make Leith a no go area. Welcome to the delights of The City. 

On the plus side, as blipper Birgit noted, we don’t have midges in Edinburgh. These little nasties are missing a trick- they could have had  a feast on the thousands of visitors.

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