
By stellarossa

The Stone of Hope

After our meeting we were invited to a cocktail reception on the rooftop of the Dupont Circle Hotel with wonderful views over Washington. After business was done a few of us sneaked off to find the Lincoln MemorialI'm not sure what I was expecting, but I was stunned by the huge edifice that finally emerged as we cut through the park. It's immense. Click on the yellow link if you've never seen it and just look at the size of the people at the memorial standing at Lincoln's feet - you'll get a good idea of the scale of it. For those of us who recently saw the film it was quite an amazing moment. I imagine it is very moving if you go early to avoid the crowds.

Sadly I had forgotten my camera back at the hotel so just had my old iPhone 3 which doesn't cope well with poor light.

Afterwards we walked down by the Potomac and came across the stunning Martin Luther King Jr memorial, walking through the Mountain of Despair to find the Stone of Hope, surrounded by the Inscription Wall....

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