Waiting for the boat to get the plane

I’ve pretty much been on just going through the motions of the day. It all feels so confusing.
So to get it out the way from the onset, the news is not good.

The scan shows a small tumour on the base of her brain.
The doctor said it is very rare to find a tumor like this...if this hadn't of happened this way, she would never have know until it was too late.It is pretty small but still brain surgery is always risky. Oh..this tumor causes thyroid issues.

The doctors have been consulting with the neurosurgeon in Tahiti. Mom and Audrey may need to stay an extra day on Roho island (where mom was helicopter out to because they have a scanner) before flying on here to Tahiti where Doug and I are. The doctors say she should be able to fly home.but it does need to be addressed. She also has low salt which can be helped right now.

I don’t think I have the energy to try and go through everything but Doug and I are staying in a hotel just across from the Tahiti hospital which we thought mom would be coming to tomorrow.
Now we just don’t know!

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