Growing old disgracefully



Not sure about the lyrics* of this old song, but it has been hanging about me all this sunshiny day.

It's such a perfect day I'm glad I spent it with:

My lovely students at Renfrewshire Carers' Centre
Drinking tea with the Prof in the garden
My socks off - (I kept them on while I was working, but when I got home it was 17 degrees on the decking!)
The siskins and their antics on the feeders (the little scamps will let me get almost within touching distance, but show them a camera lens and they're off)
The evening shadows in the garden, when the colours are deepest and the bird song sweetest
You, my lovely blip colleagues who are always so encouraging - you just keep me hanging in there!

So, since you liked yesterday's magnolia flower, here is another one, this one lifting its head to catch the last of the sun's rays.

* Thank goodness I didn't reap what I sowed. Life has been much kinder than that.

PS The Professor has just come home from his audition - he is now a full member of the Close Shave Barbour Shop Chorus! Looking forward to his first concert.

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