
By bigred1977

The Big Merino - Goulburn

So today our day was taken up mostly with driving through to Sydney, had a slight detour in Goulburn to take a picture of this guy.

For those that don't know Australia's tend to have a thing for large sculptures of things.... mostly in small towns. They then become tourist attractions!!! I've seen quiet afew on my travels around Australia, they range in quality with this one being one of the better examples!!

We went out for dinner tonight (best mexican ever!!) with friends, they have just moved into a fantastic new house near where Andrea's friend lives in Newtown, Andrea & I are both very jealous!!!

We had an early night as Andrea started her first job in 5 months.....therefore her first morning of having to emerge from her bed before 10 o' the am !!!! I on the other hand went back to sleep....its tough !!!

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