Their Loss

This small building on Cliff Road has drawn my curiosity since I moved to Falmouth all those years ago. There are suggestions as to why it was built but I have never really looked for it’s history.
Apparently it was built in the 1840’s as a summer house on the Gyllyngdune Estate and although not consecrated it may have been used as a chapel. It has recently been spruced up by the council.
We as a family with Paddy, our dogs before him and family visiting have walked through the tunnel or around the outside numerous times.
Todays photo was taken on mine and Paddy’s extended walk, looks good in the sunshine.

Elsewhere the threat of ‘poor’ weather threatens to bring some holidays to an abrupt end. I love Falmouth, in the sun, the rain, summer or winter it’s a great place to live. So when you are sitting on the bench on the beach path it’s disappointing to hear holiday makers say; “there’s nothing to do here when it’s sunny, it’ll be worse in the rain, we might has well go home”.

With so much to see and do no matter what the weather it’s their loss.

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