Skinny milinky

I had a lovely few hours round at Ann's House last night.  Her and her ex haven't  even together for about 8 years but both still invested in the house. 

It's been a laid back day. Wee Lincoln is really into exercising at the moment.  So he wanted to use tins for weights.  I'm trying to fatten him up a little.  He's been losing weight as he has been funny with food the last month or so . 

We saw nana and grandad earlier than usual.  Nana has a broken rib and grandad had another eye appointment yesterday.  The eye he has had two operations on should be back to around 90percent in a month and in a month he will get his other eye operated on. 

I had to go and have a wee 40 minute nap earlier which isn't like me. But I feel bushed. And I've not long taken Harp and the jedi out a walk on their bikes to help waken me up. 

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