Old Fashioned Marsh Mallow

Another lazy day. Hubby left to get his new truck tires installed as I was hobbling out of bed. As fall approaches, blip material is getting harder. These marsh mallow plants came from my grandmother’s garden. The stalks aren’t very showy but the delicate blooms sure are. A tiny bee decided to visit as I was taking the picture. We played hide and seek for several minutes until it finally moved so the whole bee was visible. I filled up the bird feeders while I was outside. Hubby performed PM on all our vehicles and filled the fountains. With the warmer temps, the fountains’ water evaporates quickly. We made our reservations for our PA hotel so we should be all set for an enjoyable time later this year. Being home so much makes it easy to keep things clean inside, I do a bit each day. I only had a few dishes to wash, one load of laundry and plants to water today. After making lunch, my work was finished. Hubby trimmed around everything on the property, a tiring job. We are going to 5:00 Mass and then I will bake baked Parmesan fish for dinner, another easy meal. Decided to publish my blip early. Hoping your weekend is progressing just as nicely. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe.
“How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower!”
― Isaac Watts

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