Languedoc Daily

By BrodieB

Pick-pocketed ....

.... as they say in Oz. Today our lovely Jonty was castrated. We hope it will make him less anxious about life.
As a dog who came from the worst possible start we worry about him when we're not around, and indeed the veterinarian phoned up early to say that Jonty-ponts was very stressed after the op and could we come to pick him up.
I have to say that I detest these Elizabethan plastic collars. Dogs come out of anaesthesia and apart from feeling horrible they lose all sense of their surroundings because the look of their world has changed, they bash into things, then panic, can't see and don't know what's coming up behind them. Not good.

It's all calm now and we hope he's so knackered he'll just fall sound asleep. Poor litle fella, but at least that's done and his other mum is on sleeping duty tonight.

Meanwhile, may we just send congratulations to fellow blipper LFH who brought home Lily Blue, the most darling shy dog, from the refuge at Carcassonne today. She too was spayed today so it's been a big day all round.

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