Sychnant Skies

I spend the morning at my ‘happy place’ above the Sychnant Pass, sitting quietly by the small lake looking out for swallows. Last year they were here well into September, gathering in flocks ready to migrate, but once again my photo opportunities are limited to a couple of brief fly-pasts from which I salvage a handful of blurred shots. Perhaps they’ve already left, or maybe they’ve yet to gather here in numbers. 

Still, it’s beautiful up here, the water still, the blue sky delicately marked with wispy  mare’s tails. Stone chats flit in chattering groups, and the air’s so still I can hear a meadow pipit fluttering its wings across the water. 

Late afternoon, it’s time to head for a Conwy where we watch a performance of  ‘As You Like It’ in the grounds of Conwy castle. It’s a magnificent location for a Shakespeare play, and the small all-male company of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men do a superb job of presenting the cross-dressing comedy (men playing women pretending to be men …..)  just as the bard intended. And - as a bonus - it doesn’t rain until we’re safely home! 

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