Not really of course, just a lovely bright orange marigold that I would make a lovely cheery bliip.
Yeah Tai Chi zoom sessions have started up again - wheee. I hadn't realised how I'd missed them until I started doing the session again..
After Tai Chi this morning I haven't done an awful lot, except go over to a neighbour who had go herself a bit confused as she had somehow got the screen on her laptop flipped over, so I just popped over to right it for her.
That's all for today. May get Hubby to come out with me a little trip tomorrow, but then if we wake up and the sun is shining I suspect his garden and allotment will call to him.
They're starting to roll out the booster vaccinations now, as soon as they are available we will both have them, the sooner the better really.
Do take care of yourself and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow
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