Me and my boy

A much-needed slow-is day. Church this morning. Wonderful to see various folks. I didn't get to hear the talk as Nate wasn't happy being left alone at kids church, which is understandable I suppose!! We headed off to say hi to folks at the church picnic afterwards, in true wonderful British style we ate our sarnies in the rain under brollies - wonderful! Very different from Ibiza where kids don't even go to school when it rains, much less picnic in the rain!!!
A chilled afternoon and then church again in the evening. Mom looked after the kids which was kind as it meant I could relax and feel part of the service.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being part of SCBC...
2) Seeing someone at the picnic I grew up with and haven't seen since I was a teen, about 20 years ago!
3) Reading childhood books in bed!

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