It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

You couldn’t make it up!

Well Mondays shift had a very late bad start. Our deliveries are supposed to be with us at 4pm when we start. However tonight it arrived at 8:50pm. Now normally with the dock leveller working we can rip the delivery of 35 cages off in about 15 mins ( getting the cages off the wagon)
However at the moment our dock leveller is broken ( no surprise there) and the driver had to bring three cages onto the tail lift and then our boss (a lady) has to put them onto the scissor lift and we bring the lift up. She loaded it to much and it decided to stop halfway ….. so we brought it down and could only bring six up at a time ( bare with me as the scissor lift is slow)
So we decided whoever’s cage was on the lift to get cracking as we had three hours to do a 7 hour job.
Just got going and the storm started with huge bolts of lightning and very torrential rain started coming through the roof/ and buckets had to go out. Then five mins later the fire alarm went off and everybody out. We thought the lightning had just tripped the alarm but something was detected on the roof so we had to wait outside till the Firemen came. Poor guys it was mostly women (us) and we all had phones out videoing the storm then the Firemen! They must feel like film stars! After a good while waiting in storms and rain under the shops canopy the guys came out and wanted to go on the roof. Of course all eyes looked at me as I’m always on the roof with my camera or something…. So I got the job of walking some of the guys through the shop and to the stairs out in the yard. ;-) Not gonna lie I did have a rather large grin on my face. I happen to be a little old fashioned and being in the company of real men does me the power of good. Went back out and waited some more. Then eventually they said a wire was broken and maybe we had a slight hit from lightning but all was clear to go back in.
By this time it was 11:45pm and our boss had really had enough so we packed up the shop floor and went home 10 mins early!
What a night!
Still good fun. Firemen are the best apart from dustmen like my other half!
Hero’s all of you guys n gals in the Fire service.


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