A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

The Parting Of The Ways.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. And it was a very emotional farewell that I had to experience this morning.

We have been inseparable since we were first introduced to each other, three months ago today. At once, we were intimate, together day and night, sleeping together even, some would say, with indecent haste.

But we had no choice. We were like Siamese twins, sharing every moment of every day.

But enough's enough. There's only so much of this sort of togetherness one can take before something changes forever and inevitably the partnership has to be dissolved and we have to go our separate ways.

And so it was today. At the Xanit hospital in Benalmadena I was scanned and probed and the conclusion was that I was "completely normal". Well, that's a matter of opinion, but in particular my kidneys are absolutely fine - and probably have been for some weeks!

So Bezzie was removed with little ceremony and no fuss, just "take a deep breath", a short yank and it was over. After a quick glance to check that my insides were not, after all, lying on the bed next to me, a shake of hands, a bill for 350 euros and I was free.

It must have felt the same when exorcisms were performed in days gone by. I have spent the day on a strange sort of high, wondering where my partner of so long has gone.

But the sense of release is extraordinary. Catheters are very overrated, if you ask me.

I feel like a new man - but I couldn't manage a whole one!

Thank you so much to everyone who shared yesterday's milestone with me. Your comments, good wishes, hearts and stars mean so much. Here's to the next year.

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