Rugby One

I always enjoy a meeting where everybody speaks their minds, saves any misunderstandings later.
This mornings meeting involved the Thursday Gang, the clubs volunteers, and Lou, the clubhouse manager.
I understand that peoples natural instinct is to resist change and that is probably part of the problem but the volunteers do have a point, it’s as though the club never existed before this season. Brand change, new kit, no memorabilia, no photos on display, bar prices likely to increase, out with the old & in with the new and as I have blipped before you do not make a legacy by erasing the past.
Lots of stuff planned for the 150 celebrations but as the recession bites peoples priorities change and I fear that already feeling the effects grass roots rugby is going to suffer further.
When times are tough you don't squander what you have on what you don't need.

Lots of good stuff talked about though and the Thursday Gang are looking forward to Saturdays match as they get behind the ‘One & All’, the second XV, for the coming season.

Elsewhere, no rowing this evening, a slight ‘twinge’ of my left hamstring which hopefully will be good for next week.
Getting back into the Mrs S working routine, late plated dinners of a sandwich etc and a thirty minute catch up before she flips into bed exhausted.

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