we didn't get rain

Another backblip
As we were leaving later a bit of packing got done but, as we'd paid for another night, we could leave things in the tent.
It rained in the latter part of the night and then on and off all morning, but was never very heavy.
We took ourselves off for a walk from the campsite and almost to Loch an Eilean through woods and fields and past a lochan with wet reeds (extra) then returned to the tent for lunch of sausage rolls we'd bought at the farmshop on our way back.
The rain stopped in the afternoon and we decided to go into Aviemore as Mr Rat wanted to try boots like mine and we knew a shop that sold them (he bought a pair). The legs had been stiff in the morning but felt much better so we started up Craigellachie and got on so well we went right to the top! 
The Cairngorms were still in cloud but there were nice light effects in the Spey Valley and a small boy standing just in the right place for a fuller view (extra) than in my main pic.
Cuppa in a cafe and then fish suppers taken back to the tent before taking it down, packing the car and showering.
Home by 9pm 

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