Tuesday: Arches

I had a morning in the office today attending a roundtable on Unnamed Next Destination.  I have no doubt it’s going to be a very interesting place.  This was on my way to the office.

Train back to Newcastle late afternoon which went pretty smoothly.  

When I got home I found K had been dealing with Barney drama which she’d shielded me from while I was away.  He has to transit on his journey and the company who was booked to take him for the second leg have backed out because they’re all at a conference!  

We have an agent dealing with it at this end who said he’d sort it out and pursue other options only for us to discover today he’s gone on holiday until the day before we leave, hasn’t sorted it out and hasn’t briefed his colleagues who are now scrabbling to find alternatives.  Nor has he booked Barney’s transport to London or his first flight, by far the most straightforward part of the process.  We now have four options we can pursue, each one getting increasingly expensive and complex. And we’re not far off departure date now.

I’m positive vibing that it will all get sorted.

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