New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Back to work today...not really a normal day as I had a conference to go to at lunchtime so I nipped into the office, caught up on emails then headed back out.  P has the rest of the week off and I'm not jealous at all. 

Conference was interesting, I realsied that Housing People are at lot like Coop People and had a right good political rant at the end.  The long and short of it being that capitalism needs to go,  and I'm in denial about who is in charge of the country.  (Can't believe that enough poeple actually think Liz Truss is a good choice for prime minister..really?!)

Rain is super heavy this evening so not much to blip. S bought  me a lovely bunch of flowers at the weekend as part of a belated birthday gift and they were looking lovely.

Edit: Glad P was in today as he found the Highland Stoneware plates which had been left in our wee outhouse.  Ordered them a few weeks back and was a bit miffed about how they hadn't arrived yet.  Turned out they were probably sat outside for about a week. Here I was blaming the postal strike.

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